Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Liberal CNN brings up 'election fraud' in Ukraine to rile up American Bush-haters?

CNN has taken it upon itself to broadcast to America the details of how Ukraine's democracy-haters plan on overthrowing their elected leader, for the sole purpose of engaging them in Ted Turner's elaborate plot to do the same to George W. Bush.

'Voter Fraud!', America's democracy-hating leftists scream.

'Kerry Won!', America's democracy-hating journalist elites shout from their far-left-wing rooftops.

CNN must stop talking about Ukraine's election fraud and citizen protests, because who knows what demonic ideas this will give America's democracy haters?

George W. Bush won fair and square, no matter how he won or who committed or attempted to commit 'fraud'. He won. That's what matters. Any other suggestion is an attack on America, an attack on freedom, and a plea to Al Qaeda for another terrorist attack.

CNN should be ashamed of themselves. So should Ted Turner.


At November 25, 2004 at 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CNN is liberal? What universe are you living in, exactly? If you honestly think that Ted Turner is using CNN in an elaborate plot to overturn Bush, my advice to you is to seek some serious clinical help.


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