Friday, April 29, 2005

Bush press conference disrupts prime-time TV viewing pleasure, whines liberal media

Here's a story of depression, vitriolic hate, and the extreme depths to which a human being is capable of sinking.

Dan Froomkin covered the Bush press conference, and wrote an enormous report as anti-Bush, anti-conservative and anti-American as one will ever see.

What's it titled?

"Not Exactly Must-See TV".

I'm sorry Dan -- did Bush's unveiling of his vastly important agenda, his effort to de-propagandize his citizenry oppressed by the Liberal Media, disrupt your viewing of Will and Grace? Or Queer Eye For The Straight Guy?

How about a Dan Froomkin version entitled Queer Eye For The Hate Guy, in which Dan walks around and nonchalantly writes elongated reports about things that threaten to mess with his socialist utopian vision.

Friday, April 22, 2005

American media just LOVES Fidel Castro!

Seeing the coverage of Fidel Castro's latest Communist policy put into effect, you'd think he'd died and went to Commie Heaven.

Well, America's leftist media sure seem to have died, and they're treating Castro like a Communist Saint.

Why? Well, he's implemented the Liberal Elite's #1 Goal, raising the minimum wage. Not just raising it, but doubling it in sheer ejaculatory Stalinist fashion.

Everyone from BusinessWeek to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer is bathing Castro in a celebratory glow, neglecting to mention even one of his crimes (or even the fact that he's a Communist!). It's the Liberal Media at work, and it's a shame that even "Business"Week is rolling in the Commie filth.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Democratic political gain? No, only Tom DeLay, liberal media enemy

Fair-and-balanced commentator David Limbaugh offers up a great point:

A recently released poll of Tom Delays constituents shows that while he still has a favorable rating at home, his unfavorables are growing. But given the media lambasting Delay has been taking this is hardly surprising. What struck me more about the report, in the Houston Chronicle, is its statement that "nearly half of those polled said he intervened (in the Schiavo case) for political gain."

My question is: when is the last time you can remember any poll anywhere inquiring into whether any Democrat did something for political gain? Just curious.
The link to that biased, despicable story is here. You'd think that Houston media would be, well, a little more in the center -- but no, this is more proof that the entire liberal, wherever in America it may be, hates the country that allows it the opportunity to exude its vile plumes of vitriol.