Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Media versus Bernard Kerik

You won't believe this smear of an article in the Boston Herald (no surprise, John Kerry's hometown Masshatchuewsetss newspaper).

A supposed biographical piece, the article by Herald reporter Mike Pingree has the devious scribe spending a sickening majority of his piece attacking the background, life, and family of 9/11 Hero Bernard Kerik.

Here are some choice bits:

Bernard Kerik was known as a tough beat cop, but the sordid lives he saw patrolling Times Square were nothing compared with his own harsh beginnings.

His rise to a place in the president's Cabinet will mark the high point of a bizarre life that started in a shattered home with a hard-drinking prostitute mother whom he recently learned was murdered, probably by her pimp.
His mother was 24 when she wed his father, but it was already her third marriage and would not be her last. She was ``wild.''

Bernard would say later that his father ``couldn't keep her out of the taverns and gin mills, and once she got inside those places he couldn't keep her away from other men.''
He was aware that she had died some time ago, but it was not until he was doing research for his book that he found that she had been beaten to death when she was 34 years old.
His hardscrabble beginnings had a bad effect. He would become a high school dropout and street tough, a ``lost cause'' who no one expected to amount to anything.
But, when stationed in Korea, he would perpetuate the cycle of childhood abandonment on his own child.
He impregnated a young Korean woman he had been living with while stationed there.
This article is a downright smear. Kerik MUST sue.

It's a disgrace to not only Kerik, not only to everyone who's lost a loved one on September 11th 2001, but it's a direct shot at everyone who's come up from the gutter to be something. It's an attack on American values.

This article is simply Satanic, Hitleresque, and worse than a drunken Saddam Hussein in the viscinity of guns, knives, rape rooms, torture chambers, and mass graves.


At December 8, 2004 at 3:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're aware, of course, that TRUTH is a defense to libel? I believe everything stated in that article is, indeed, true. Also, the Boston Herald is not a liberal rag. Formerly owned by right wing media mogul Rupert Murdoch, the Herald is now published by a private entity created by Pat Purcell, who was a Murdoch protegé. Nice screed on your blog, though. Pity you wasted the space.


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