Saturday, December 11, 2004

Media continues pushing far-left conspiracies

The election was fraudulent?

That's the impression any uninformed American would get by reading the newspaper or watching biased television news reports.

Check out the mainstream media pushing ridiculous "KERRY WON!" stories.

It's enough to make a patriotic American puke.

When will Americans stand up and fight against this corrupt right-wing media? When will the media point out that THEY are the problem, not America's quasi-perfect voting systems. Why does the truth-based election community have honorable patriotic truthtelling heroes like Kenneth Blackwell on its side -- with the anti-democracy media being represented by people like Rachel Konrad, the demonic leftist who wrote this illiterate AP piece -- and why are facts like these hidden from the American people in every leftist media report?

The answer to all of these questions? The leftist media is IN ON the leftist conspiracy to illegally bring down Bush.


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