Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Proof is in the Pudding

Riding the bus to work today, I was confronted by a younger gentleman clothed in one of those gentlemanly plain-black "hoodie" hooded sweatshirts -- the same ones featured in that incomprehensibly hate filled, Bush-bashing, Swastika-showcasing terror-fest of a video entitled "Mosh" by caucasian rapper (and big-time Kerry supporter) Eminem.

This young gentleman had apparently seen my "Bash Bush, And I'll Bash Your Skull In" t-shirt, which was much more patriotic than his thuggish black Eminem-style hate-hoodie. He was clearly jealous of my style and my political persuasion. He whined to me. We started talking about the election, President Bush, and the media. I mentioned the phrase "liberal media" (a term which sends liberals into a cowardly state in which many boots are shaken from within), and he turned a bright pink color.

A verbal spat ensued.

Soon, this sixties-style hippie cheerfully (yet erroneously) dared point out that the media was, "in fact, right-wing, and if you can't see that, you haven't been paying attention".

Apparently what I thought had been years of paying attention to liberal-biased, anti-American media, was something akin to a confusion-inducing marijuana high. Either that, or this guy's fumes were just getting to me after sitting next to him on the bus for one stop too many.

To such blunt-trauma-to-the-cerebrum sufferers -- I like to call them Liberal Media Deniers -- I have a newsflash for you: the media is liberal. If you can't see that, you haven't been paying attention.

I have.

And I can tell you, my friends: the proof is in the pudding. Just view the media in action today, and the bias is evident, and overwhelming. Anti-Bush, anti-freedom, anti-everything-patriotic-Americans-stand-for.

If you think the "liberal media" is simply a right-wing myth, then you're either permanently fried from the wacky tobacky, or you've seen one too many Eminem videos.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Boston Globe whines about "glacial melting", doesn't provide dissenting opinion -- or the truth

The Boston Globe, at the center of the Massachussetts leftist media elitism apparatus, reports on "glacial melting".

Of course, no counter-opinions are provided.

Who is actually quoted?
-director of the far-left World Wildlife Program's Arctic program
-president of the far-left Union of Concerned Scientists
-"Some Europeans"
-Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Why didn't they just ask Teddy Kennedy for his opinion on the matter?

The most beautiful aspect of the article? The "glacial melting" "phenomena" was proven untrue in 2002. Did the Globe think it necessary to mention? Of course not.

Al Jazeera America?

So, Al Jazeera is coming out with an English language version, according to Yahoo News.

How convenient -- the news report neglected to even mention a single of the following phrases, each which would have objectively described Al Qaeda ... oops, I mean Al Jazeera:

-terrorist sympathizing
-terrorist collaborating
-on a Jihad
-the 'death to America' network
-in cahoots with Osama bin Laden
-...and Saddam Hussein's evil henchmen!

All in all, the Yahoo News report neglects enough truthul information to almost make an uninformed American -- someone like your child, for heavens sake -- believe that Al Jazeera isn't a hateful propaganda-spewing network of terror, death, anti-Semitism and dead babies.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Liberal CNN brings up 'election fraud' in Ukraine to rile up American Bush-haters?

CNN has taken it upon itself to broadcast to America the details of how Ukraine's democracy-haters plan on overthrowing their elected leader, for the sole purpose of engaging them in Ted Turner's elaborate plot to do the same to George W. Bush.

'Voter Fraud!', America's democracy-hating leftists scream.

'Kerry Won!', America's democracy-hating journalist elites shout from their far-left-wing rooftops.

CNN must stop talking about Ukraine's election fraud and citizen protests, because who knows what demonic ideas this will give America's democracy haters?

George W. Bush won fair and square, no matter how he won or who committed or attempted to commit 'fraud'. He won. That's what matters. Any other suggestion is an attack on America, an attack on freedom, and a plea to Al Qaeda for another terrorist attack.

CNN should be ashamed of themselves. So should Ted Turner.